This is the second time the Manufacture des Tabacs has featured in the Festival of Lights. It was about time that this 20th Century listed building was put in the spotlight. Thirteen students on a vocational lighting design and management course working under the artistic direction of Pierre-Yves Toulot from IntensCity were asked to use façade of the university library as a backdrop for their set theme: books. From the southern quadrangle, you can let your imagination run wild as you follow the projections and light show. The creative output of four groups of students practising learning by doing unfolds before our very eyes. Let’s show them our support with a round of applause.
Luminous Book - "La Manu à livre ouvert"

Thursday 8, Friday 9 & Saturday 10: 8 p.m. to midnight
No projection on Sunday.
No projection on Sunday.
In a nutshell
This installation also provides an opportunity to promote the vocational lighting design and management degree course, the only one of its kind in France. It is open to students from different academic backgrounds, varying from events organisation to architecture. Pierre-Yves Toulot is proud of their achievements: “This is not just students dabbling; the video mapping here is actually very professional.”
With the participation of the students from the Licence Professionnelle Conception et Management en Éclairage
Artist Pierre-Yves Toulot
Find out more Manufacture des Tabacs