The third Festival of Lights audiovisual art workshop was held in September at the Gobelins School of Visual Communication and Arts, in conjunction with the town of Épinal, as part of its Festival of Images. Ten artists were selected, including students and freelancers from Grim Edif, the Gobelins, Strasbourg Art School, Épinal Art School and, for the first time, the Cinetic Centre of Art and Science in Bucharest. For over a week, the winners were supported in their projects by Festival of Lights ambassador Marie-Jeanne Gauthé, scenographer Karen Guillorel and teacher at the Gobelins, Melvin Le Riboter. A total of ten works of art have been created from this workshop on the theme of Heroes and Villains, chosen in consultation with project partner BANDAI NAMCO. These works are projected onto the facade of Jean Moulin school.
Workshop Mapping

In a nutshell
Artiste Les étudiants du Workshop Mapping 2019
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