The Eco-Invaders

M.Djaoui - Ville de Lyon

In a nutshell

An army of fluorescent green smiling or grimacing creatures hurtles faster and faster down the Montée de la Grande Côte until they invade the entire hill. The « game over » point for each sequence is

An army of fluorescent green smiling or grimacing creatures hurtles faster and faster down the Montée de la Grande Côte until they invade the entire hill. The « game over » point for each sequence is signalled by all the eco-invaders blinking in unison. Spectators can watch this comic, friendly invasion by strolling amongst the eco-invaders or by watching them from the bottom of the Grande Côte gardens. Designed in a genuinely low-tech style which will bring back fond memories of the first generation of video games, this animation stresses the omnipresent avant-gardism of technology and the entertainment industry today

Played again at:
Night Light 2011 Singapour
Nuit Blanche 2012 Toronto