Faites vos jeux

Muriel Chaulet

In a nutshell


On the Place du Griffon, a 3x6 m pinball machine is lying on one side like a wrecked ship. Under the pane of glass, the lights flash in time with the knocking of the machine. While the machine trie

On the Place du Griffon, a 3x6 m pinball machine is lying on one side like a wrecked ship. Under the pane of glass, the lights flash in time with the knocking of the machine. While the machine tries to eject an imaginary pinball, snippets of conversation float in the atmosphere of a cosy lounge bar. An invisible croupier in an imaginary casino calls out his stock phrases - faites vos jeux – rien ne va plus. This tongue-in-cheek installation gently reminds us that all is not rosy in our money-grabbing society and that new rules of the game will have to be invented.