
Frédéric Guignard-Perret

In a nutshell


Taking its cue from Stanley Kubrick's sci-fi epic 2001: A Space Odyssey, Réflexions consists of three reflective monolithic stones standing tall in the heart of the Cour du Midi. With their sheer,

Taking its cue from Stanley Kubrick's sci-fi epic 2001: A Space Odyssey, Réflexions consists of three reflective monolithic stones standing tall in the heart of the Cour du Midi. With their sheer, sparkling bulk, the monoliths appear unshakeable, much like the Grand Hôtel-Dieu that is their home. Réflexions is an original installation by Merovee: a fusion of sound pigments and textures, a veiled mélange of archive city sounds, from seagulls laughing over the Rhone to the clackety clack – "bistanclaque" in Lyon-speak – of the town's traditional silk workshops. Réflexions traces the 800-year history of the Grand Hôtel-Dieu with the most delicate of touches, reflecting the moods that punctuate the visual score. The building's glass canopy is set aglow thanks to a clever arrangement of lights and mirrors in silver and gold that magnifies the beams emitted by the monoliths. The stone architecture is revealed in all its glory in an atmosphere of futuristic sobriety.