You and the night

Frédéric Guignard-Perret

In a nutshell

David Udovtsch's You and the Night takes a fresh look at the natural phenomenon of the Northern Lights. It's a meditative installation where the illusionist makes the fountain in the place.

David Udovtsch's You and the Night takes a fresh look at the natural phenomenon of the Northern Lights. It's a meditative installation where the illusionist makes the fountain in the place des Jacobins appear in the sky studded with countless stars. At the feet of the Sirens, female guardians of the cosmos, a hint of simmering, imperceptible colour slowly emerges. The fountain transforms into a lighthouse, its beam of light sweeping over the square as though appealing to the Northern Lights to show themselves… which they do, illuminating the facade in subtle shades of green, blue and mauve... Their departure is heralded by a final dance of light before the star-spangled sky makes its gentle return.


Artiste David Udovtsch

Find out more Place des Jacobins