RDV is a collective of young architects from different backgrounds and with different skills, who are looking to develop a transversal approach to architecture. Created in 2011, it is a support for experimental work in all types of projects in the audiovisual field, exploring the potential of images and sound through projects of all sizes, involving scenography, exhibitions, performance and temporary microarchitecture.
The geometry of the collective varies, adjusting to the project, opportunities and skills of each person involved. From the design stage to implementation, from the initial purpose to the architectural scale, including urban areas, the aim of their creations is to enhance, transform and interact with our environment, as well as sharing a physical and visual experience and, above all, rallying people around shared events. Now based in Lyon, the RDV (Rendez-vous) collective is pursuing its experiments, advocating a unity between people and crafts.
RDV Collectif