La Vague

Muriel Chaulet

In a nutshell

When night falls, come and wonder at the spectacle of hundreds of scales rising up on Place Bellecour, undulating under the murmur of a light breeze.

When night falls, come and wonder at the spectacle of hundreds of scales rising up on Place Bellecour, undulating under the murmur of a light breeze.

They rise from the ground, floating in a multi-hued wave of light. Let yourself be captivated by this poetic interlude lulled by the melodious sound of a flute.


Artistic intent

To create the 80-metre long, 20-metre high wave more than 350 kakemonos made of spinnaker cloth were used.  This installation is the third opus in a creative process initiated by Sébastien Lefèvre illuminating sails floating in the wind following on from Oriflammes on Pont Lafayette in 2012 and Sous le vent on Pont Schuman in 2014. 


Music: Jocelyn Miennie

Artiste Sébastien Lefèvre

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