Les Pikooks

Muriel Chaulet

In a nutshell

Immerse yourself in the peaceful and poetic atmosphere of place de la République… The Pikooks, a pair of blue kites resembling snowy owls, soar across the sky in a wedding dance.

Immerse yourself in the peaceful and poetic atmosphere of place de la République… The Pikooks, a pair of blue kites resembling snowy owls, soar across the sky in a wedding dance, while keeping a protective eye on their three eggs below. Their nest is floating in the pond, among the reeds and duckweed. Slowly but surely, these graceful creatures swoop down to join the nest and the atmosphere takes on warmer, orange hues as the chicks get ready to hatch. Red lights pulsate inside the shells, like tiny hearts beating. Will you see them come into the world in this magical experience?

Galerie Les Pikooks