The Wishing Tree

M.Djaoui - Ville de Lyon

In a nutshell

A monumental steel tree planted between two spirals lights up the courtyard of the CHRD. Visitors are invited to write their wishes on slips of paper illuminated by blue LEDs which are fixed to the br

A monumental steel tree planted between two spirals lights up the courtyard of the CHRD. Visitors are invited to write their wishes on slips of paper illuminated by blue LEDs which are fixed to the branches of the big steel tree. All of these messages shine at night like thousands of twinkling stars in the sky. Made from 5,000 recycled bottles collected after the « Run In Lyon » event on October 7th, two spirals 35 metres high encircle the tree. This luminous sculpture symbolises the link between initiatives carried out today and wishes expressed for the future. To round off the installation, plants and flowers are made from milk bottles recycled by students at the Lycée du Premier Film, and in particular by the class for children with disabilities, light up the entrance to the site.

Played again at :
I Light Marina Bay 2013, Singapour

Artiste Allan Lim

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