The King of Dragons

F.Dimier - Ville de Lyon

In a nutshell

A strange creature of darkness has dropped into the fountain of the Place de la République. With its 98 foot long, the creature with its choleric temper unrolls its immense silhouette.

A strange creature of darkness has dropped into the fountain of the Place de la République. With its 98 foot long, the creature with its choleric temper unrolls its immense silhouette around the fountain.

Ceaseless vibrating colour, ever-changing, spitting out clouds of light and smoke, is this unusual dragon simply short of space or trying to impress his audience? Made from re-cycled materials and LED screens this gentle monster is born of a highly coloured and poetic imagination and will captivate the young and enchant the older.

Played again at:
Dubaï festival of lights 2014

Artiste BIBI

Find out more Place de la République