At the gate to the Tête d’or Park, which has been turned into a fairy-tale world, visitors are greeted by two stiltwalkers. Huge golden balls shine on the lawns, whilst birds controlled by pixies dart between branches in the surrounding woods. In the alley next to the lake, a myriad of fireflies shimmer gently in the trees… Suddenly, this is the world is upset by a mysterious wind! Like a mirage, surging from the lake, a magician with a golden head starts an esoteric dance. A premonition emerges from the choreography of this enigmatic character, sounding as a warning: we need to take care of this extraordinary world as it is in danger of disappearing… Then everything becomes calm again and the idyllic atmosphere returns.

In a nutshell
Artiste Marie-Jeanne Gauthé Géraud Périole
Find out more Tête d'Or Park