Cinq Siècles

M.Chaulet - Ville de Lyon

In a nutshell

The Hospices Civils de Lyon (Lyon hospitals) architect offers a walk through time prior to the reconversion of the Hôtel-Dieu which is a feast for the eyes and ears. Its heritage unfolds using five th

The Hospices Civils de Lyon (Lyon hospitals) architect offers a walk through time prior to the reconversion of the Hôtel-Dieu which is a feast for the eyes and ears. Its heritage unfolds using five three-dimensional tableaux. Total immersion in the ambience of each century is guaranteed. The 17th century is lit by candlelight, there are sumptuous 18th century facades, the 19th century is represented by a cabaret bathed in red light, the 20th century conjures up Liberation Day celebrations and it culminates with the 21st century which heralds a new era. A soundtrack fills the courtyard in step with the scenes.

Artiste Alain Bénini

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